Monday, December 10, 2018

Interview with Luke - 12/10/2018

Pictured: Luke in May 2017 at a Chick-fil-A grand opening. I know it's not a current picture, but it was all I had.

* Luke's responses are bolded in quotes
** I added links to specific references for easy followups by the reader

1. What is a food that you really enjoy these days?
"Definitely burgers."
Any burgers in particular?
"The Penny Whopper, ha."

2. What musical artist are you listening to most these days?
"Let’s see, I’ve been delving into some T.I. and Xzibit recently.
I’ve also been dabbling in stand-up comedy. I’d recommend Ricky Gervais’s special called 'Humanity'. It’s a bit of a slow start, but it’s really good."  

3. What tv shows are you watching/wish you had time to watch?
"Narcos: Mexico is on my wish list.
On the other hand, I’m currently watching lots of movies: Peppermint (which was phenomenal), as well as Papillon, which is about a guy in the 1920s who escaped from a French prison. It’s like Sons of Anarchy but set in the 1930s and with much less male rape."

4. What’s the last movie you saw in a theater?
"Last movie I saw in theaters was Creed 2. I’m kind of ashamed to say it. It was terrible.
I thought the first Creed was decent, it brought something new but familiar to the genre. If that’s even possible. It had good moments.
Creed 2, I felt like - I don’t know. The music reminded of that Dave Chappelle sketch about crazy dancing making my penis soft; but about the music in the movie."

5. What is something that you accomplished this year?
"I got a Whopper for a penny."

6. Do you have any goals for the upcoming new year?
"See if I can get more Whoppers for a penny. Not much else."

7. Any parting words you’d like to share with the Erickson siblings?
“We used to fight aliens together. What happened to us?” - Luke 

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