Saturday, December 22, 2018

Interview with Tina 12/22/2018

1. What is a food that you really enjoy these days?

Salad!!!! Ranch free Salad! Poppy seed dressing is my go to. The world is bleak for an egg eating vegan.

2. What musical artist are you listening to most these days?

I feel like I need to listen to a lot more Santa after that Troubie Show, I feel like there are some really good. But I hear a lot of Pantera, Megadeath, Iron Maiden.  Mike bought a Google home mini and an Alexa so the kids can yell from any room that they want to hear something and we hear it. - Nomad by Iron Maiden - Walk by Pantera

3. What tv shows are you watching/wish you had time to watch?

British Baking show because Mike is watching it. I also watch the Last Kingdom on Netflix

Do you have a workout program?

She didn't answer this one but she does BBG work out and she lifts weights.

How much are you benching?
65 lbs at least she is benching. She is also curling 20 lbs

5. What’s the last movie you saw in a theater?
Smurfs the lost village or Incredibles 2, She couldn't remember which one. Previous to these answers she told me the last movie she saw in theater was "The Star", this was the movie we saw in the cheap theater in Simi in 2017 Thanksgiving, so I began to question that.

6. What is something that you accomplished this year?

I got a Bii and BID as well as a special day class placement.  ( I, Luke have no idea what the acronyms stand for)

7. Do you have any goals for the upcoming new year?

I'm going to not yell at my children. (Kaleb's Wife Macenzie hear this and said she is going to try to not yell at Tina's children as well)

8. Any parting words you’d like to share with the Erickson siblings?

"Use a turn signal!" - Tina

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