Thursday, December 5, 2019

Kaleb's Lost World

Best Present Ever!

To:      Kaleb
From:  Santa

When Kaleb was a wee lad of seven or eight, he received a present on Christmas morning from Santa Claus.  It was a fabric play mat with hand-drawn pictures of swamps, and forests, and tar pits, and lush vegetation.  He also received a bag of plastic dinosaurs.  Real dinosaurs, you know, like Stegosaurus and Brontosaurs, and a T-Rex.  None of that feathered raptor nonsense kids play with these days. 
Kaleb said this was one of the best presents he ever received, and he played dinosaur imagination games for years after that.  He suspects that Mom was the artist. 

Image result for dinosaur meme

On the other side of things, one time Kaleb was planning to give a Christmas gift to a newish girlfriend.   He knew she liked "Guardians of the Galaxy" so he gave her a CD of the soundtrack from the movie.  She received the gift with smiles and gratitude.  It was a couple months later he learned she had never opened the gift because she had no way to play a CD. 

Image result for guardian of the galaxy meme

Just wanted to keep the blog alive, my friends, and remember some of our shared past.
Love, Tina